The Horror

In a post-apocalyptic future, many believe that knowledge is power, and power is strength. A mysterious figure discovers the secret behind controlling a man’s soul. With that knowledge, he seeks peace and order -- but at what cost? People struggle for survival amidst the chaos that erupts, and only one man can stop it.

Stellar Team

A goup of artists, visionaries, and professionals whose passion and values radiate from their work eithic and results. Driven not by ego, but by a shared vision.

The Z-End team has a powerful dynamic. Co-directors Ali and Jason are both very different. Ali is trusting and patient while Jason is skeptical and direct. Businesswomen Jenn and Lena are clear, concise, and brief while Ash errs on the side of verbosity. Despite our differences, all of us are intensely passionate, creative, and resourceful. The juxtaposition of our artistic paradigms results in well-developed perspectives. We’ve created a safe environment where clear, open lines of communication are a valued necessity.

Collective Effort

More than a single peice of art, but a way of being creative together. The word 'solidarity' encompasses the spirit of our project. We are community-funded, locally resourced, and passionate.

"I have had the pleasure to work with Ali several times in the last couple years and jumped to be a part. I love music, film, literature, photography and art. Only a fool would pass on an opportunity to be part of the union of all."
~ Tim Bryan, Starlings, TN


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In Present Danger?

Posted in Creator's Journal

displacedIt's weird to think about how close we are to danger. (Or how you could wake up to the knowledge that you could have been awakened by the screeching of fire alarms and flames). My apartment complex had a fire.... And many neighbors where easily displaced. So quick..... and it could have been me and those I love. So the real question is... How prepared are we?

How prepared are we to become displaced people.... A displaced country... a displaced world. All within possibly seconds..... minutes..... or days. Maybe that's why our subconscious floods our minds and feeds our creativity with walkers, meteors, and viruses, among other things that can take us out.

So I translate it into film. Z-END

I guess that's what this is all about. How displaced people get together and create a project. Just hoping to create a better future in chaos.

- A.D. Hopson



This project is funded and supported in part by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department/Cultural Arts Division believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin’s future.  Visit Austin at